I'm proud of this...
1. Dominic Purcell
2. Nick Lachey
3. Vin Diesel
4. EminemEminem
His song "White America" from the The Eminem Show album states a long anti-American speech: "sent to lead the march right up to the steps of congress, and piss on the lawns of the White House, to burn the flag and replace it with a parental advisory sticker, to spit liquor in the faces of in this democracy of hypocrisy, f*ck you Ms. Cheney, f*ck you Tipper Gore, f*ck you with the freest of speech this divided states of embarrassment will allow me to have, F*CK YOU!". "White America" also brought the U.S. Secret Service attention at first, but gave up after seeing a statement from Eminem after the song: "*laughs* I'm just playing America, you know I love you".
"Here’s what would happen if Patrick Bateman was to tie Phil Collins and Eminem together with one of his exquisite silk sheets and they were to make babies…" Read more, click!
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